
Serena Rauch
1 min readApr 20, 2022

The insectile droning of the computer paralleing the cosmic inhalations of our metropolitan breaths on the cathartic face of the chaotic city…breathing air onto our frantic anatomies in the midst of our frenetic activities.

Beating coronaries in conjunction with the chirruping chorus of birds and the incessant car horns emitting their urgent messages to the susceptible populace.

Crackling electricity…zzzzztttt….hibernating dreams dormant in the chambers of your scripted scenes…acting out the roles prescribed by paradiasical propaganda.

Musingly masticating a nutritious breakfast as the world atavistically revolves in the next room and reverberates its cataclysmic frequencies of fantasy and fascism.

Contemporary art of urban living while couples, families, or individuals engage in their intuitive performances of grief, gratitude, occupational compulsions, and societally designed pastimes replete with sociopathic secrets and lavish leanings.

The restless work breaks spent surfing the vapid sphere of digital dichotomies and diabolical dictates, all while contemplating the next time you’ll be able to escape the monotony of repetive routine via an international expedition or a romantic intermission.

Interludes…curtain changes…pauses…portals…

All these lapses encapsulated in the metaphysical medium of the nefarious television which tantalizes our mind with unattainable imagery and seductive sorcery of a superficial nature.

Portraits of trees rustling in the wicked wind as we wind our way through yet another symbiotic symphony of urban elements in the edifices which are molded by the shape of the sacred trajectories we respectively take.

Glorifying, glowering, gleaning, glazing our galaxies with paradoxical abnormalities and simultaneously decluttering our minds while sifting through the debris of the universe.



Serena Rauch

A 30 year old English Lit grad with a passion for writing poetry, short stories, and beautiful, inspiring compositions on a variety of topics:)